Explore, play, and embrace the wacky outdoors.

Embark on monthly adventures with your kids, delivered straight to your phone! Join the fun and discover endless excitement together.

Unwind and unleash your family's wacky inner explorer! With our monthly adventure plans, you'll embark on thrilling outdoor escapades that reconnect you with nature and each other. No more scrambling for ideas - we've got you covered with engaging indoor activities and outdoor play suggestions. Rediscover the magic of quality family time, effortlessly organized for your enjoyment.

Priceless Memories

“Not having to plan out my spur of the moment time off with my daughter was game changing.”


“We loved doing the recipe. Since it was not complicated, my daughters could easily help out and do most of it themselves!”


“The craft idea was a hit with my son. We didn’t need to go out and buy a bunch of supplies and had all we needed at home. This was key.”


“The simplified, planned out adventure gave us some wildly fun memories that I will never forget. My kids are loving the outdoors!”


Each month, receive a treasure trove of content including outdoor adventures and bonding activities directly to your phone! With a printer-friendly download option, you can also easily print, laminate, and share the fun with friends, family, or even use them in classrooms or daycare settings. It's your all-in-one solution for getting outside, creating memories, and fostering endless play and exploration.